The Importance of Structural Biology
Structural biology is a powerful field that combines biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and bioinformatics. It has fundamental applications in both biomedicine and biotechnology.
Macromolecular Crystallography: A Key Technique
Macromolecular crystallography is a critical technique used in structural biology. Advancements in synchrotron radiation sources, protein expression, and automated protein crystal growth have made it more accessible to molecular biologists.
Challenges and Opportunities for Italian Researchers
Despite these advancements, Italian researchers don’t fully utilize access to these technologies and large international facilities. This is particularly concerning in light of future European programs that emphasize large-scale research infrastructure.
Bridging the Gap: The Biocrystal Facility
To address this gap, the Biocrystal Facility connects Italian researchers with large international facilities, increasing their use of these resources. The facility assists users throughout the structure determination process, from construct selection and protein production to crystallization, data collection, and analysis.
ITACA.SB Network and Instruct Eric
Since November 2022, the Biocrystal Facility has been part of the ITACA.SB network. ITACA.SB aims to strengthen Italian capacity for structural biology services within the “Potentiating the ITAlian CApacity for Structural Biology Services in Instruct Eric (ITACA.SB)” project, funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU. Instruct Eric is a pan-European initiative that provides researchers worldwide with access to cutting-edge structural biology techniques and services.
The Biocrystal Facility: A Resource for Italian and International Researchers
The Biocrystal Facility, established through a collaborative effort between Sapienza University of Rome and the Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, offers Italian and international researchers access to crystal production and structure determination for biological macromolecules.